So, I just got this response from
Hi David,
I apologize for the delayed response. We generally try to have all support
issues resolved within 24 hours. We are working on a way to automate the
importing of dump files into existing repositories, we chose not to initial for
security and stability reasons.
Joe Clarke
And, checking my server logs, I can see that someone downloaded the tarball of my SVN dump.
A few minutes later;
Hi David,
Your repository has been imported.
Joe Clarke
So, we're up and running after the promised 5 minutes and an additional 24 hours.
In the meantime, I found DevjaVu. Not quite as cheap as I was hoping for, but hey - it's Ninja-Powered!
From the look of their blog, things are moving pretty fast. Also, there seems to be a lot of recent activity on their forums too (are you listening, They have forums (fora?)).
So, if I do end up switching to another SVN host, I think I might drop those ninjas an email.
But, hopefully, will be fine, from now on. I hope so - they really are awfully cheap!