I've just installed Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope", and so far I'm really impressed. It's slick and fast, with some really nice little touches (e.g. my laptop wakes up when I open the lid - I used to have to hit the power button to wake it up from suspend).
Here are the steps I went through to set it up for Rails development;
- Launch a terminal and become root
- aptitude install build-essential
- aptitude install git-core
- aptitude install phpunit php5-curl
- aptitude install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
- aptitude install rails vim-rails ruby1.8-dev
I use gvim as my editor. You can skip the vim-rails if you don't.
The "ruby1.8-dev" package is important. Without this, you'll get failures loading "mkmf" whenever you try to install gems.
- aptitude install mysql-server-5.0 php5-mysql mysql-client-5.0 libmysqlclient15-dev
"libmysqlclient15-dev" is required when we want to switch to a native mysql library for ruby. If you don't do this, you'll get deprecation warnings because the non-native, pure ruby library is going to be dropped soon.
- gem install ruby-debug hpricot mongrel
Happy installing, and please add a comment if you've got any suggestions.